Visit the product page of the individual diorama to view the intended layout, but note you can easily change or adjust the layout depending on your toy photography and toy display needs!
Watch the video below for the complete tutorial, but the basic guidelines are:
Step 1. Carefully trim off the white border using a ruler and X-ACTO knife or a paper trimmer for maximum accuracy.
Step 2. Attach the diorama panels to a sturdy/rigid base* such as foam board or a Diorama Prints diorama base.
Step 3. Enjoy! Follow us on social and tag us in your pics using Diorama Prints dioramas!
More tutorial videos coming soon for our larger diorama designs. In the meantime, you can still use the principles in this video for recommended ways to set up the dios.
* Step 2 Note: you can temporarily attach the diorama panels to a base of your choosing using binder clips or tape; or you can permanently attach the diorama panels to a base using a stronger adhesive such as mounting spray or glue. We recommend using a glue stick or only applying a modest amount of liquid glue so that it does not overly saturate the diorama panel causing it to warp. If using tape, always remove carefully so you do not damage the diorama panel.
You can also use our dioramas for display by customizing the panels to fit your set up. Examples below using our "Castle Room" and "Sewer Lair" dioramas.
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